Regular attendance in school is important. In case of absence or lateness, parents/guardians must notify the school office according to the following schedule:
- Initial day of absence
- Third day (if absence continues to three days)
- Fifth day (if absence continues to five days)
The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Voicemail is available. Attendance records are maintained for each person. Consistent absenteeism is brought to the Principal’s attention so that the transportation carrier and/or the local school district may be alerted. If a student is ill for a period longer than three days, the parent/guardian is requested to call the School Nurse. A doctor’s note must be obtained before a student can be readmitted after an absence of three days or more, according to the Agency Standing Orders. If a Private Duty Nurse is assigned and not present, LADACIN services cannot be provided to the child/student.
If a child is out longer than five or more consecutive days, a letter is sent to the school district to alert them of the absence.