Lehmann School hosts Physiatry Clinics where the student’s entire team (parents, therapists, teachers, nurses, etc.) gather with a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physician.

Our physiatrist’s name is Dr. Marykatherine Nutini who comes to us from Children’s Specialized Hospital where she treats a wide variety of medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Our physiatrist and teams work together to diagnose and make critical plans regarding the supportive aides and devices our students need to improve body control and movement.

To get the families started on procurement of the equipment, the doctors furnish the prescriptions, and the treating therapists write the letters of medical justification to assist the families with the insurance approvals. We do not stop there! When the aides/equipment is procured we have clinics on site where vendors (we welcome all) make adjustments and train families and staff on using the new technology. It is a transdisciplinary (TD) team effort and a one stop shopping experience for all.